
Simplify your animation workflow and make it easy.

Switch between the Timeline and Graph Editor with one click.

Set the scene's frame range by clicking and dragging.

Reset viewable area to show the full keyframe range.

Select and show only the animated fcurves in the Graph Editor.

Display the selected fcurve in the Graph Editor for focused editing.

Easily define or remove the preview range in the timeline to focus on specific segments of your animation.

Quickly select all keyframes to the left or right of the current frame for efficient editing.

Snap selected key to the current frame.

Snap selected keys to the current frame based on the position of the first keyframe for consistent timing.

Snap selected keys to the current frame based on the position of the last keyframe.

Nudge the selected keyframes left or right.

Set an even inbetween for selected keys.

Insert or remove empty frame(s) between keys.

Insert a keyframe of a specific type at the current frame for Timeline organization.

Remove the keyframe at the current frame.

Remove all selected keyframes.

Remove every keyframe from the selected object.

Trim the animation to a specified frame range, removing keyframes outside the selected interval.

Synchronize the timing of selected keyframes across different selected bones or objects.

Copy keyframe timing from the last selected bone or object to other selected ones.

Offset the timing without offsetting and messing your keys timing.

Maintain a constant value between keyframes, creating sudden changes without gradual transitions.

Smoothly transition between keyframes using adjustable curves for precise control over the animation's motion.

Create a straight, uniform transition between keyframes.

Automatically adjust handle types to create smooth.

Automatically adjust handle types to ensure smooth transitions without overshooting keyframe values.

Use vector handles to create sharp, linear transitions between keyframes.

Allow manual adjustment of handles for complete control over the shape and timing of keyframe transitions.

Lock handles together with their pair.

Adjust the transform values with fine control, allowing for precise increments or decrements.

Generate precise inbetween keyframes to define intermediate points in your animation saving hours of work.

Blend your current pose to the neighbor poses.

Blend your pose to the rig default pose.

Scale selected key values by their combined average.

Align keyframes on a easy-in or easy-out curves.

Smooth the curve.

Exaggerate or minimize the values of selected keys.

Create a ghost curve that shows previous positions for better reference and adjustment.

Remove the ghost curve from the viewport.

Visualize the trajectory of animated objects by displaying their motion paths, helping you refine and adjust the flow of the animation.

Refresh the motion paths of all animated objects to reflect any recent changes in their trajectories.

Remove all motion paths from the scene.

Remove all keys that don't affect the curve shape.

Remove excess keyframes from baked animations to simplify the keyframe data while preserving the overall motion.

Remove anim curves that may have keys but don't affect anything.

Correct gimbal lock and other rotation issues by smoothing out Euler rotation curves.

Set the values of the selected keyframes to zero.

Update the selected keyframes to match the current frame value.

Invert the values of the selected keyframes relative to zero.

Invert the values of the selected keyframes relative to the bounding box.

Invert the values of the selected keyframes relative to the position of the 2D cursor.

Invert the values of the selected keyframes relative to the current frame's value.

Flip the selected keyframes relative to the central point.

Flip the selected keyframes relative to the timeline cursor.

Copy the animation/keys of selected objects.

Insert the keys/animation you copied at the current frame.

Insert the key you copied flipped at the current frame.

Convert complex animations or constraints into a series of keyframes, making the animation data simpler and more manageable.

Bake only the selected curves.

Convert the animation curve into keyframes based on the selected timing pattern, aligning the curve to a specified timing structure.

Enlarge the size of the gizmo for better visibility and easier manipulation in the 3D viewport.

Reduce the size of the gizmo for a less intrusive view and more precise control in the 3D viewport.

Switch between different axis orientations.

Switch between different pivot point orientations.

Select the inverse of the currently selected rig controls.

Select the parent bone of the currently selected.

Select the child bones of the currently selected.

Copy the pose of selected bones.

Paste the pose you copied.

Paste and flip the pose you copied.

Save the current pose to a library for easy reuse and access in future animations.

Restore all transformations of the selected objects or bones to their default or original state.

Restore the location of the selected objects or bones.

Restore the rotation of the selected objects or bones.

Restore the scale of the selected objects or bones.

Place a marker at the current frame or position in the timeline to note important points or events in your animation.

Delete the marker at the current frame.

Delete the markers that are currently selected.

Delete all markers from the timeline.


Remember that these integrations will only appear if you already have these add-ons installed.

Apply the "Child Of" constraint by first selecting the parent object or bone, followed by the child.

Temporarily remove the influence of the "Child Of" constraint on the selected object or bone, allowing it to be animated.

Convert the influence of the "Child Of" constraint into actual keyframes on the child object or bone, making the transformation changes permanent and independent of the constraint.

Remove the "Child Of" constraint from the selected object or bone, eliminating its influence and restoring the original transformation behavior.

Convert the object's or bone's transformation from local to global coordinates without losing the existing animation data, ensuring accurate positioning and animation continuity.

Convert the object's or bone's transformation from global to local coordinates while preserving the existing animation data.

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